I feel amazing after a couple weeks of running. I took a LOOOOOONG time off after my last race. I made too many excuses for not working out. They were good excuses, but still excuses. I ate like crap and did not exercise. I felt disgusting, fat and lazy.
My sister, Kelly, came out to visit for Christmas. She was feeling the same way. Thankfully she decided to go for a run. Kelly inspired me and I ran the next day. Two days after Kelly's run we had signed up for the Seattle Rock N Roll Half Marathon. We had started!!!
It has been about two weeks since I "started" and I feel great. My pants are still tight and I have a long way to go, but I feel 100% better than I did 2 weeks ago.
I went to a tough spin class today and I felt strong. It is amazing how good you feel and what you can accomplish when you take care of yourself. Kelly and I complained to each other for months about how bad we felt. All we had to do was start. I am certain a year from now we will be glad we did.

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