I feel like I'm always wishing time away. We have 21 days until we will have the keys to our new house. Most of the time I think I would just give up those days if I could wake up and be in the house. But yesterday I gave Little Dude a piggyback ride around our apartment. The apartment I cannot wait to get out of. I can still hear him giggling and shrieking with delight. The whole thing lasted a minute; but I would not give up that minute for anything. It was the best. It made me wonder how many things I overlook or give up because I am wishing time away.
I'm going to start living in the moment. I'm going to let Little Dude pick up 500 rocks on our 2 hour, 1/8 mile walk in the woods. He isn't interested in what will happen 21 days from now. All he cares about is what sound a rock makes when it hits the water. Or what it feels like to dig in the dirt.
I'm going to let Pnut smell flowers instead of getting in the car right away. Because the grocery store will always be there. Pnut will not be 5 forever. 

I am going to enjoy my training runs and rides. Not just think about getting to the finish. Enjoy being outside. I will try not to always be concerned with my pace and distance.
I will no longer wish my life away. I am going to enjoy every bit of it. Well...I'm sure I still won't enjoy doing dishes or folding laundry. But everything else.
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